Monday, September 10, 2012

Sword of freedom simulation on compromise

In my effort to make sure I share what I create I am posting a Simulation that I made for week 2 in sword of freedom class on compromise. feel free to use it or something like it


According to the constitution each state has an equal representation in the senate as new states are admitted into the union they receive an equal representation. At the current time 1820 you are the US Senate and Maine wants to join the union and so does Missouri right now the senate is split exactly 50/50 on the issue of slavery.  You must decided what rule you will set for letting new states joining the union about slavery.


Your lively hood is based on slavery you would rather leave the union then be forced to loose your right to own slaves. If you let more pro free states join the union then they will get power in the senate and over power your vote. Another issue pressing you is the land that cotton is raised on is dying and you need more and new land to plant cotton on and you need the new territories to have slaves so you can more your slaves to land to plant on.

Also you are tired of the ridiculous tariffs that the north keeps putting on you.

You need to come up with a plan that keeps you in power or at least the power balanced and leave slavery safe.


Slavery undermines the free worker and uneducated worker because why pay someone to work when you can just own a slave. You don’t want to continue slavery into new territories. It will not help the young country. You also don’t really like slavery and the immorality that it carries with it. You don’t want to abolish it where it is now you just don’t want it to continue from coast to coast.

Come up with a compromise that will stop slavery from growing but keep it safe in the south. Slavery must not be allowed to continue going west. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mutiny Simulation

This was a Simulation that one of my students started and I helped finish

It is 1675. You are on the merchant ship Expedition in the Mediterranean sea, off the coast of Greece. The ship has hit an out cropping of rock and has a hole it is not large and we are not taking on too much water but we might not make it to shore if we hit bad weather. The Captain and his officers must make a choice to one try to make it to Rhoades and the safe harbor there or go to nearest port of Thebes, which is infested with pirates and risk loosing all the cargo.  To make the situation worse there have been rumors of mutiny throughout the ship. Those in favor of mutiny have not spoken out, because the penalty is death by being tossed overboard and dragged underneath the ship, being torn apart by the sharp barnacles on the bottom of the ship. You will each be assigned a role, from the Captain to cabin boy, and will be notified whether or not you are in favor of mutiny. You will not know what opinions others have. The rebels will try and assemble and elect a leader to overthrow the hierarchy. The Captain will try to squelch the mutiny. The ship will be landing in Greece soon, and there the captain will execute the entire crew, using his authority, because he cannot trust anybody. Thus you have taken a side, since this is the only way that you may survive. You have an hour.

Captain – your role is to safely get the goods and crew to harbor if you try to make it to Rhoades you may loose everything but if you go to Thebes you may loose all of your goods and make the owners of the ship and merchandise mad. You also need to keep in power and don’t let the majority of the crew turn against you because you could be killed.

First mate- you are good friends with the captain and have a lot invested in this trip your entire life savings is on board and you don’t want to loose it or have it stolen. Stand with the captain no matter what

Second mate – you don’t really like the captain you think that she was not very smart is getting the ship too close to land and putting a whole in the ship. If given the chance you would gladly rule that the captain is unfit to lead and you should lead. You don’t really care if you go to Thebes or Rhoades.

Navigator – you plot the course and make sure we get there safely. The crash was kind of your fault and you would be happy to blame it on the captain so that you don’t loose your job or get killed. Your main goal however is to just stay alive.

Cook – you love the captain and don’t really want to mutiny but you also are kind of timid and don’t want to make a stir.

Gunner – The captain saved your life a few years ago and you feel like you have to be loyal to the captain to pay back the debt you owe her.

Shipwright – you are the head man on the ship that make sure everything is working you think the captain is an not wise and it trying to get you all killed you would rather have the first mate in charge. If the captain decided to try to make it to Rhoades you will mutiny for sure.

Helmsman – you steer the ship and you think the captain is not wise and it trying to get you all killed you would rather have the first mate in charge. If the captain decided to try to make it to Rhoades you will mutiny for sure.

Look out – you don’t really care to much but you don’t want to go to Thebes because you are a wanted woman there and if the captain decides to go to thebes you will revolt

Rigger – you just want to stay alive you have a family and want to make it home safely. You are to happy that the captain hit a rock and was foolish so if it looks like the captain is going to loose join everyone else.

Cabin boy – people don’t think that really matter because you are just the cabin boy but you are more like a spy because you get all of the information from people. You know everything that is going on. Your Goal is to stay alive and get more power however you can weather that means staying with the Captain or picking a new captain.

Quartermaster – You love the captain because she got you this job and you are making tons of money. If she gets kicked out of power you loose your job

Blacksmith – you hate the captain she is not very nice to you. You want to mutiny and you have gun powder stored up and weapons to give to the people who will join you.

Able Seaman – you are sick of the captain and want her gone. She has not treated you well and you don’t like how the ship got a hole

Rachel - Quartermaster
Megan  - Captain
Alexis  - Rigger
Dallin  – second mate
Daria  – Look out
Christopher  – Cabin Boy
Jarom  - navigator
Rayo  – first mate
Jason  -  cook
Jackson  – Blacksmith
Micah - Shipwright
Jonah - Gunner
Ariella  - Helmsman
Daimery – Able Seaman
Seth  – Boatswain
Sarah- Able Seaman

World Government Simulation

The world has come to a new point in it history. Technology has advance so quickly that in a matter of minutes you can not only talk to anyone in the world but you can visit anyone in the world you want.  

With the change of technology the nations states are dissolving and a need for a world government has come. Each nation state has sent a delegate to meet at a world convention and create a world government and for the first time in the history of the world create world peace.

As a representative of a nation you need to know what your nations main economic recourses what your national believes are and weather your nation want to be part of this new world government. 

simple simulation on the first amendment

You are part of the presidents Tzar board. He has asked you to pick one of the five freedoms mentioned in the first amendment to take away from the people so that they loose their freedoms.

The five freedoms are

Once you pick your freedom you wish to destroy you must come up with five specific reasons as to why you think that this freedom will make the people slaves the most. 

Planet X Simulation

Planet X disaster

The earth was destroyed in the year 2222 when Jupiter through one of its moon at the earth destroying everything living on the earth and knocking the earth out of its orbit. Before this happen several ships escaped seeking for a new home

To save humanity they found a planet called Zorote and you are on a ship to go there when you arrive at the planet you find that it is inhabited by an alien race who call themselves Zorotians. You have ben able to establish communication with each other and you have agree to meet to discuss weather or not they will let you on their planet to live.

Before you can leave the ship and land on the planet a written agreement must be reached to keep peace for future generations to live.

You recognize that you are not the power in charge you are desperate to land because you are running out of supplies. Yet you can’t compromise your freedom. Do not let them make you and your children slaves nor let them keep you from growing and becoming a strong race. Yet if you don’t treat them nicely you could all die on the ship. If the aliens do not co-operate you can always attack them and take the planet for yourselves however this is the only alien race you have met and you could learn to get along and work with each other.

You are an alien race you are not to happy about letting some race come live on your planet they might contain pollutants that could kill life forms on Zorote. However you see that they have no other place to go. You do not have to treat them as equal you could use them as your slaves. You have to create an agreement that will protect you from harmful bio hazards, protect your planet culture and make sure that they will not become to powerful and take over the planet. If the humans do not co-operate with your plans you can always just walk away and let them die in there ship. 

Power of Sovereignty

This one was a favorite, I designed this class to teach about sovereignty and what can happen when you surrender your sovereignty. 

Each individual in the class has 2 coins (you can not create more coins from nothing nor can you steel coins)

The person with the most coins at any given time makes all of the rules for the world whatever rule they make must happen.

There is an army of invaders coming to take over your town so you as a people must make some rules for raising an army, keeping the food and livestock safe, and protecting your town. Only the person with the most coins can make laws.

You can choose to give one of your coins to someone but you can only give it to someone through a contract signed by both people which the moderator will keep and you can’t take your coin back with out the consent of who you signed a contract with.

To make a law the person with the most coins must submit it to the moderator in writing and the moderator will put it on the board and it will become a law. The only law that can not be made is to take anyone’s coin without their consent.

Roles you can hand out 

1.You are friends with the general of the Army coming you have agreed to let him come into the town and take it over if he will give you the power to rule the town after he comes. You don’t want the town to make any laws to protect the town you want either to keep your coins and take others or you want to just keep others from taking your coins.

2.You are a concerned citizen if the army comes they will take everyone’s stuff and put them in slavery get as many of coins as possible to lead your fellow citizens.

3.You want all the power to yourself you don’t think that anyone but you can really lead the people to safety.

4.You must decided what is best to help your city to be safe you can give your coins away as much as you want or keep them for yourself. 

powers of congress simulation

We recently conquered the nation of Iraq and the president has asked you as some of the nations most respected scholars to decide what kinds of powers we should grant the nation of Iraq.

You must deice what powers you think they should have. Some people have suggested that you don’t give them the power to raise an army; others think that they have too to keep peace. Still others think that they should not have the power to tax and you must decide what you think are good powers for a government to have.

You will have a period of time to discuss the powers that you wish to grant but at the end of the time you must have a written list of the powers that you are going to grant or you will fail. Be sure to think about all of the things a nation must have power to do and also think about all of the things evil men must have power to take over. 
Simulation I used to teach about making hard choices and trying to do what is right

America was just attacked by China and Iran Washington DC, New York, LA, Seattle and Huston where all hit with Nuclear Weapons. And an EPA bomb was exploded over the top of America and nothing that hast to do with electricity is working. The major leaders of the armed forces were all killed you are the lower ranking officer and you must plan the counter attack. The peoples moral is weak, the world is pleading that you don’t retaliate with nuclear weapons or the whole world will be destroyed.

The navy is still in tact and the bases we have in the pacific are still functioning.

America does not have the means to support the economy thousands are dead. Many say we should just surrender because we are living in the dark ages again.

You as the leaders must decide what you are going to do about China and Iran and what you are going to do about the population in general who is starving and dying because we have no electricity.

Ariella Sec. of Health                          Samuel Sec of the Army
Ashley sec. of education                   Creed Sec of the Airforce
Callie Sec. of Agriculture                   Nate: State Senator
Maddie Sec of home land security          Dallin: Speaker of the house
Romney sec of War                           Daniel:  state senator
Sean sec of the Navy                         Tanner: Governor of Texas
Jarom - Weapon Tec.
Maggie - Sec of defenc
Simulation I used for the sword of freedom class but can be adapted to any class


March 14, 2030

Dear Council on Human history,

The war has escalated far beyond what we thought it would and it looks like we could be facing a nuclear war. I have been asked by the President to organize a time capsule of human history to help those who survive to know about our past and remember the history of our nation.

Will you please assemble all of the essential information about the American Civil war and deliver it to my office before the day is out.

We are putting the knowledge is a small safe, so space is limited please only included the essential information.

Thank you

Secretary of the Interior 
Simulation I used once

Point of this simulation is to help the kids now not to listen to propaganda because there is no Traitor

There is a traitor in your mist!

Last week we planed a top secret mission and right before it was to take place the enemy got a lead to what we were doing and counter attacked we almost lost every man in our platoon. The rat must be found out. A leader has been chosen to help find discover who the traitor is.  When the traitor is discover the fullest punishment will be inflicted Death!

Your task is to rat out the traitor and turn who ever it is in. you only have a little time because the enemy is fast approaching and you can’t jeopardize your platoon again.  At the end of the time limit you must have a traitor or your leader will be taken and shot because he failed to find the traitor and your platoon will be disband everyone will find themselves in a military prison until the traitor is found

You are not the traitor but you saw Sean and Samuel sneak out of the camp a few days ago but you fell asleep and by the time you woke up they were back

You are not the traitor but you know that Daniel and Dallin both have exclusive access to the communication radios.

You are not the traitor but you know that Daniel and Dallin both have exclusive access to the communication radios.

You are not the traitor but you saw Parker and Tanner talking to someone you did not know last week when we walked through that city.

You are not the traitor but you saw Parker and Tanner talking to someone you did not know last week when we walked through that city.

You are not the traitor but you saw Sean and Samuel sneak out of the camp a few days ago but you fell asleep and by the time you woke up they were back

You are not the traitor but you know that Dallin has connections with the enemy.

You are not the traitor but you know that Dallin has connections with the enemy.

You are not the traitor you do know that Jarom is the only one fluent in German enough to communicate with the enemy

You are not the traitor you do know that Jarom is the only one fluent in German enough to communicate with the enemy

You are not the traitor you do know that Jarom is the only one fluent in German enough to communicate with the enemy

You are not the traitor but you know that Dallin has connections with the enemy.

You are not the traitor you do know that Jarom is the only one fluent in German enough to communicate with the enemy

You are not the traitor but you saw Sean and Samuel sneak out of the camp a few days ago but you fell asleep and by the time you woke up they were back

You are not the traitor but you saw Sean and Samuel sneak out of the camp a few days ago but you fell asleep and by the time you woke up they were back

You are not the traitor but you saw Parker and Tanner talking to someone you did not know last week when we walked through that city.